Be willing to take a stand about something that you believe strongly about. Don’t try to be all things to all people. Let’s face it, we’re not politicians trying to collect votes; we’re on a mission to secure our clients’ retirement savings and live a happy, fully vested retirement.
The most influential communicators and thought leaders are willing to be disruptive when it’s necessary. Being disruptive will polarize your audience…
They’ll either love you or hate you, leaving few on the fence. You can be assured they will NEVER forget you.
A perfect example of a key influencer is my mentor Robert Kiyosaki, who has made a name for himself challenging the “status quo” and disrupting conventional wisdom relating to personal finance.
One of the 4 Pillars or core values of the Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad company is being “Contrarian and Forthright,” which means they are willing to challenge conventional ways of thinking about personal finance, and slaying the sacred cows that most of us have been taught for years as truth.
“If I’m NOT offending at least one person every day by noon, obviously I am not working hard enough.”
~ Dan Kennedy, Million Dollar Marketing Expert
Many of your clients have been advised by “financial people” that it’s all about getting the highest return on their money. Unfortunately, many retirees today aren’t aware that what can jeopardize their retirement is NOT that they didn’t save enough money… It’s the losess that can occur during retirement once they’ve stopped working and can’t replenish their balance with additional savings.
A “lukewarm or watered-down” message will be forgotten. Stop trying to be politically correct in your videos, radio interviews and seminars. Be bold and courageous in all your communication. The world needs to hear your authentic voice.
Remember the words of wisdom the most powerful communicator in history:
“Because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spew thee out of my mouth.”
~Jesus Christ
So there you have it, the “secret sauce” to convert your prospects into raving fans by polarizing your target audience into either loving you or hating you. “To be forgotten is worse than death.”
Chuck Gray
Good advice and also it’s amazing to me how Oran Klaff has exploded on the scene with his “secret sauce”. I’m looking forward to the Advisor Black Box Coaching Webinar Program!