Is there a way to sell more annuities in any type of market?
As we know, clients often reach out to us in order to protect their money if the market drops.
But if clients are seeing decent gains when they open their statements, answering that all-important “Why Now?” can be challenging, but it’s crucial to cover to get them over the line.
Today, we’d like to give you our script to follow that does just that.
Take a look at this chart:
Now, this may seem like a good reason for a client not to contact us…
After all, how many clients are thinking about protecting their money in a bullish market?
But right now, our advisors are using it to build urgency and sell more annuities – no matter how the S&P 500 is performing.
In this video from our virtual advisor mastermind called Inner Circle…
We reveal how to use two simple charts to make growth annuities more attractive by leading your client through a series of specific questions.
With these questions, you can ethically build urgency around annuities by following the “show-don’t-tell” principle.
While, at the same time, reducing your client’s sales resistance by reminding them why they reached out to you in the first place.
And today, we’d like to share how we do it.
How to Ethically Build Urgency in Any Market
This is a technique we gave to our private group of advisors just a few months ago…
But you can use it to build urgency and sell more annuities, in any stock market environment.
Here’s what you’ll learn:
- A simple script of questions to follow that ethically builds urgency around annuities in both bullish and bearish markets.
- When to strategically pause in order to put your client on a path to “closing themselves”.
- The single largest objection a client will have when waiting for a “pullback” and how to answer it.
Here are some timestamps and topics in case you want to jump to the parts that interest you most…
- 2:46 – How to strategically incorporate the current S&P 500 chart into your meetings with clients so that their only option is to continue to speak with you.
- 4:34 – One question to ask any client that may instantly make them look to annuities to protect themselves (even if the market is up).
- 7:44 – Need a technique to sell more in a bear market? Use this question to put your client at ease and build urgency at the same time.
- 8:35 – Is your client looking to “wait it out”? This chart will show them exactly what that means (without selling to them).
- 10:47 – Completely eradicate neediness in your sales process using these 10 simple steps (#9 may help clients “close themselves”).
- 12:24 – You can’t control deal outcome, but controlling the #1 most crucial buying factor is the next best thing (so many advisors miss this).
- 15:46 – Struggling with second appointment “no-shows”? Giving clients this one “power” has led to an 80+% show-up ratio with this virtual advisor.
- 22:19 – Are any of your clients not “tech-savvy”? This simple one-minute trick can ensure they don’t miss the second meeting.
- 24:24 – Follow this age-old principle to minimize “no-shows” (with less effort).
- 27:47 – Are you worried your client is just a “tire-kicker”? Find out what they’re looking for by using this strategy.
- 30:32 – Use this question to discover if your client is working with another advisor (it’s not salesy).
- 33:55 – Dealing with a client who’s looking for a guaranteed rate while forgoing potential gains? Here’s what to say…
- 38:31 – Have a client that is worried about giving up potential gains? Point them to this…
- 45:19 – Thinking about putting your client into a managed index? Make sure to maximize this number to ensure the highest potential return.
FYI – This episode will be 100% pure value and is designed to help anyone who wants to sell more annuities – and is especially useful for those selling virtually.
Our goal is to share information that is working for our advisors who are “in the field”.
Check out this selling technique in its entirety by watching the video above.
Enjoy responsibly 🙂
P.S. If you received value from this training, then you’ll want to join one of our invitation-only Inner Circle mastermind calls…
By clicking here to request a “Guest Pass” to join us.
P.P.S. If you’re looking to partner with an FMO that can help you win more cases, keep you on the cutting-edge of trends that are working and that provides world-class sales support to win more business… without ever having to meet with clients in-person or host dinner seminars…
Then you will definitely want to learn more about our done-for-you digital marketing system.
Give us a call at (888) 979-2701 or…